The story behind Platina

For many years Professor Peter Bjerring, Professor Marc Clement, Dr Dianne Quibell, Flo Goshgarian and Kevin Smith worked together developing and clinically evaluating energy-based devices.

Professor Bjerring and Dr Quibell are skin health and care practitioners who have constantly sought innovative solutions to the skin care needs of patients and clients over decades. They have mastered the use of topicals alongside devices, but have been continually frustrated by the quality and efficacy of the topical products available.

For many years they have considered the best active ingredients for standalone topicals and for combination therapies but there have been two key challenges: the cost of the best ingredients and the difficulty in finding a world class formulator. Whilst the cost is still a factor, serendipity brought the team together with Panagis Voutsinas whose Athens’ headquartered Avel Company has been bringing innovative formulation techniques to the market since the mid-80s.

This completed a unique team capable of developing product concepts, formulating and testing, running clinical trials to develop evidence-based marketing, manufacturing and commercializing. Each of the team have been successful in building their businesses and now, as a team, they bring world-class expertise and decades of experience to the development of Platina. Platina, the Greek word for Platinum, pays respect to the platinum-matrix technology employed by Panagis and his team to deliver highly efficacious ingredients safely through the dermal barrier, increasing the bioavailability of nature’s best skin rejuvenators.

A major part of our agenda is openness, honesty, and objective clinical evidence for claims we make. Many products today rely on subjective claims and, whilst subjective responses are meaningful, objective evidence of a products efficacy is definitive. We want to measure improvement and base our claims on science. We want to listen to the market and learn about what’s important to users rather than assume we already know it all. Feedback is important and creating a Platina Community where we can engage in healthy discussion is a key objective.

We want to make sure we are grounded, responsible and honest.

We want to do good – many people are much less fortunate than we, and our partners and users are! Charitable donations are important to the founders, and we wish to build on this as we become more successful. We hope the Platina Community can help direct us in this endeavor.

Skin Logistics Limited developed the Platina range of products. Skin Logistics is the company that owns the brand.

The founders of Skin Logistics Limited include Professor Peter Bjerring, an eminent and thought-leading dermatologist based in Denmark, and Dr Dianne Quibell, a leading cosmetic doctor based in Wellesley, Massachusetts. They both have private practices and work with many physicians. The challenge for them and their peers has been finding topicals that carry high levels of active ingredients that can reach their targets in the skin. Active ingredients have evolved but are expensive, and, in low concentration, many of them suffer from failure to break the dermal barrier and so are ineffective.

The solution has been to design their own products (Platina) that are formulated to be efficiently delivered and effective.
